As you might already know I am every now and then photographing rainbow babies or miracle babies.
A rainbow baby is a name coined for a healthy baby born after losing a baby due to miscarriege, infant loss, stillbirh, or neonatal death.
The name “rainbow baby” comes from the idea of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm, or after a dark and turbulent time. The term has gained popularity on blogs and social media in recent years, and has come to symbolize hope and healing.

Little Ifor and Ffion are also rainbow babies. I first met their mum, Charlotte when she came for her maternity session to my studio in York, where she shared her sad, but the same time happy ending story. She told me that she is expecting twins after multiple miscarriages and that they are trying to keep their pregnancy private from the public due to the previous unfortunates. If anybody knows me than knows how interested I am in twins or shall I say obsessed with (hahaha). From the other hand I couldn't resist offering a rainbow session to Charlotte hearing about her ordeals.
So in about a month time I got to meet Little Ifor and Ffion when they came for their newborn session and, oh my, they were cute! They loved sleeping and didn't mind me posing and constantly moving them.

If you know about a rainbow baby who is due or already born just drop me an email to edina@photographybyedina.co.uk with the details and their story, and who knows, you might be the lucky one who will be selected for a free session.
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