I often get asked by clients how they can prepare for our newborn photography session and if there is anything they need to do, here is a list of how you can prepare for a session!
1.) Tell me baby has arrived!– After you’ve booked your newborn session with me and reserved your spot for your due date month, I ask that you contact me within 48 hours of baby arriving to schedule in the exact date of our session. This way we can schedule in an exact date based on how your feeling after delivery and based on how baby is. As newborns can arrive early or late, it is easier to schedule in the exact date once baby is here rather than change dates around!
2.) Choose your colours: Choosing colours for props is the fun part! Once baby is here I ask you to choose 3-4 colours for props from a long list of colours that I have (pretty much every colour). Many of my clients choose these colours based on the gender that baby is, baby’s skin tone or just their favourite colours! I have props in every colour and love creating a session catered to you based on your colour choices. I also ask clients to send me 5 of their favourite images from my website, facebook page or Instagram so that I can tailor sessions to their style choice and favourite images.
3.) Choose your outfits: I ask parents to bring plain colours for the family portrait part of the session. This can be a jersey top, dress, dress shirt etc. I don't have to match in colours for the whole family, but please try to avoid logos, writings and bright, unnatural colours.
4.) Bring all the baby essentials: As it is often the first time my clients are leaving the house, a trip out with a new baby can be daunting! Often my clients overpack but just the essentials for baby are needed. All the changing and feeding supplies (also a dummy/pacifier if you use one) are all we need!
5.) Feed baby before you leave: Feeding baby before you leave can help them settle into a deep sleep in the car and they are full/ sleepy when they arrive to the studio so we can get started right away! I often advise to keep the baby awake as much as you can in the morning, so he/she will be tired and sleepy during the session. This helps to settle and pose them throughout the photoshoot.
6.) Bring snacks: Some sessions can go up to 3-4 hours depending on how baby is so bring some snacks to keep your energy level up! I supply water, coffee and tea to keep us hydrated and awake in the warm studio!
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