Newborn Baby asleep on a plush moon prop

As a specialist newborn photographer, I photographed hundreds of newborn babies over the past years. In order to produce those gorgeous sleepy images, I had to learn to "read" the babies and to settle them during my portrait sessions so I can pose them safely.

As a new parent, especially if you are a first-time parent, it can be hard to understand why is your baby crying and it takes a lot of time to get to know each other. I remember when I was a first-time mum, it was a shock to the system, for sure. She was sleeping during the day (when she wasn't feeding) and then she was up nearly all night. After only a few weeks I was completely exhausted. And even searching Google in the middle of the night didn't help to get her to sleep.

Since becoming a newborn photographer, I have spent a lot of time and resources researching newborn babies' behavior to help me understand them better during the session and eventually get them to sleep. My clients often call me the baby whisperer, because I can settle their babies really quickly. And I am ready to share my little tricks and hacks with you now 🙂

1. Swaddle or as we (photographers) call it - wrap the baby

Newborn babies are used to being curled up (just remember - they've spent 9 months in your womb) and this position gives them comfort. By swaddling the babies, we are trying to recreate that environment. You don't need fancy swaddles, just use a stretchy bit of fabric (I recommend jersey). When swaddling, make sure that it is not too tight, but also, not loose enough for the baby to break free. Babies can't control their arms and legs at this early stage, so by swaddling them you help to relax them and eventually fall asleep.

Newborn baby swaddled in a bamboo crib

2. The power of white noise

Now, this is very easy. There are plenty of white noise machines available in the market. Amazon is the best place probably to look for one. I tried Ewan the sheep and personally, I didn't like it. But if it works for you, go for it! I used The Baby Shusher , The Dreamegg and they are all fabulous! If you'd like a cheaper option and don't mind sacrificing your phone while it's playing then The Sound Sleeper app is the one for you! If you are using an iPhone though, I tell you a little hack you might not know about yet. iPhones have built-in white noise and you can switch it on like this:

Go to Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual (under Hearing) > Background Sounds (basically, Apple's term for white noise). Tap the on/off toggle at the top of the page to start Background Sounds.

It's that easy!

3. Feeding

Once your newborn baby is swaddled try to feed them. I find that they fall asleep quicker if the movement of their arms is not disturbing them. If your baby is like mine was, and needs burping after every feed, just simply sit them up on your lap by holding their jawbones and gently patting on the back, or just place them on your shoulder while still being swaddled.

4. Stroking

Another very good way of getting your newborn baby to sleep is to stroke their nose. It sounds a bit mad, but a gentle stroking motion – downwards from between the eyes – can relax them and encourage them to close their eyes. I often stroke them with an open palm, it encourages them to physically close their eyes at every stroke. But be careful! Stroking their cheeks will trigger their sucking reflex and you will find a hungry baby rather than a sleepy one 🙂

Stroking the Nose for Sleepy Bliss

Another very good way of getting your newborn baby to sleep is to stroke their nose. It sounds a bit mad, but a gentle stroking motion – downwards from between the eyes – can relax them and encourage them to close their eyes. I often stroke them with an open palm, which encourages them to physically close their eyes at every stroke. But be careful! Stroking their cheeks will trigger their sucking reflex, and you will find a hungry baby rather than a sleepy one 🙂

5. Gentle Rocking to Mimic the Womb

Another calming technique that works wonders is gentle rocking. You can hold your baby securely in your arms and sway side to side, mimicking the movement they would have experienced in the womb. This rhythmic motion can be incredibly soothing and is a great way to help your little one settle down. You can also use a rocking chair or a baby swing for this, but always ensure that it is set to a low speed and that your baby is securely fastened.

6. The Magic of Swaddling

Swaddling is another fantastic way to encourage sleep. Wrapping your baby snugly in a soft blanket can provide a sense of security and warmth, which can help prevent them from startling awake with sudden movements. When swaddling, ensure that your baby’s hips are not too tightly wrapped and that they can still move their legs freely. A breathable, lightweight blanket is best to avoid overheating.

7. Using White Noise for Soothing Sounds

White noise is also an effective method for soothing your newborn to sleep. Babies are used to the constant whooshing and heartbeat sounds they heard while in the womb, so introducing gentle white noise can be very comforting. You can use a white noise machine, a fan, or even soft lullabies to create a soothing background sound that helps drown out any sudden noises that might wake your baby. The key is to keep the volume at a safe level, similar to the sound of a shower running.

Creating a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Finally, creating a consistent bedtime routine can be incredibly beneficial. A warm bath, a gentle massage, a quiet story, or a lullaby can all signal to your baby that it's time to wind down. Over time, these cues will help your baby learn that these activities are part of their sleep routine, making it easier for them to relax and settle down for the night.

Finding What Works for Your Baby

Helping your newborn sleep peacefully can feel like a bit of a puzzle, but with patience and a few gentle techniques, you can make bedtime a calming experience for both you and your baby.

Whether it’s the gentle stroking of their nose, the rhythmic rocking that mimics the womb, or the soothing sounds of white noise, finding what works for your little one can take some experimentation. Remember, every baby is unique, and what works today might change as they grow. Embrace these moments, cherish the bonding time, and know that as your baby learns to sleep more soundly, you'll also find your rhythm as a parent.

Sweet dreams to you and your little one!

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